发表于 2024-7-15 17:40:20
1. 它们可用作写作辅助工具。
2. 他们是“被动的”,不做规划和推理。
3. 他们粗略地编造或检索东西。
4. 这可以通过人工反馈来缓解但无法解决。
5. 更好的系统将会到来。
6. 目前的LLM应该只是作为写作的辅助工具,仅此而已。
7. 将它们与搜索引擎等工具结合起来非常重要。
8. *将会*有更好的系统,它们是真实的、无毒的和可控的。 他们只是不会成为自回归的LLMs。
10. 警告人们 AR-LLM 是编造的,不应该用来获得事实建议。
11. 警告 LLM 只能掌握一小部分人类知识的肤浅部分。
12. 清楚更好的系统将会出现,但它们将基于不同的原理。
它们不会是自回归 LLM。
13. 为什么 LLM 在生成代码方面比生成一般文本要好得多?
14. 与Galactica最尖刻的批评者所声称的不同
- LLMs*正*被用作写作辅助工具。
- 他们*不会*通过让无意识的群众相信他们编造的废话来破坏社会结构。
- 人们会将它们用于对他们有帮助的事情。 原文如下:My unwavering opinion on current (auto-regressive) LLMs
1. They are useful as writing aids.
2. They are "reactive" & don't plan nor reason.
3. They make stuff up or retrieve stuff approximately.
4. That can be mitigated but not fixed by human feedback.
5. Better systems will come.
6. Current LLMs should be used as writing aids, not much more.
7. Marrying them with tools such as search engines is highly non trivial.
8. There *will* be better systems that are factual, non toxic, and controllable. They just won't be auto-regressive LLMs.
9.I have been consistent with the above while defending Galactica as a scientific writing aid.
10. Warning folks that AR-LLMs make stuff up and should not be used to get factual advice.
11. Warning that only a small superficial portion of human knowledge can ever be captured by LLMs.
12. Being clear that better system will be appearing, but they will be based on different principles.
They will not be auto-regressive LLMs.
13. Why do LLMs appear much better at generating code than generating general text?
Because, unlike the real world, the universe that a program manipulates (the state of the variables) is limited, discrete, deterministic, and fully observable.
The real world is none of that.
14. Unlike what the most acerbic critics of Galactica have claimed
- LLMs *are* being used as writing aids.
- They *will not* destroy the fabric of society by causing the mindless masses to believe their made-up nonsense.
- People will use them for what they are helpful with. |